some/any 3

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Noteer de juiste oplossing.
SOME of ANY of een samenstelling daarmee.

1. must have eaten all the crisps.
2. people can never be in time.
3. Do you see that person ? No, I can't see .
4. Do you want money ? 
5. Don't believe our teacher tells.
6. Don't talk to about my plans.
7. Give me apples.
8. I can't find him, he isn't .
9. I can't think of who might have done that.
10. I gave her money yesterday.
11. I haven't got money.
12. I heard footsteps in the room.
13. Is home ?
14. Is there we can do for you?
15. It doesn't get us if we go on like this.
16. It is too dark, I can't see .
17. It is very hot. Would you like to drink?
18. Our neighbours have apple trees.
19. Susan didn't say about the plan.
21. There aren't chocolates.
22. We heard cry.
23. You can't do about it.
24. You look very tired. Can I do for you ?
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